montgomery county today
Upper Perkiomen/Green Lane Reservoir Conservation
Landscape: The important mix of large expanses of open
water, wetlands, riparian areas, and meadows provides a
rich habitat for breeding and migratory birds in the
vicinity of the Green Lane Reservoir.
Middle Perkiomen Creek Corridor: Portions of the
Perkiomen Creek and the East Branch of the Perkiomen
Creek make up this significant riparian corridor.
Skippack Creek Conservation Landscape: The forested
stream valley along the Skippack Creek, primarily in
Evansburg State Park, provides for animal and plant
diversity and flood protection.
Wissahickon Creek Conservation Landscape: The
Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association (WVWA) has
preserved this natural riparian corridor that winds through
some of the most developed portions of the county.
Pennypack Creek Conservation Landscape: Like the
WVWA, the Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust has
successfully preserved the core area of the Pennypack
Creek through the developed eastern part of the county.
Upper Schuylkill River Conservation Landscape: Part of
the 42-mile stretch of the Schuylkill River in the county,
this conservation landscape features rich riparian habitat
along the river and several small tributaries.
Middle Schuylkill River Conservation Landscape: The core of the Middle Schuylkill River
Conservation Landscape is the forested ravines and bluffs near Mont Clare, the confluence of
the Perkiomen Creek and Valley Forge Park.
Lower Schuylkill River Conservation Landscape: Though adjoining the City of Philadelphia,
the steeply sloped river valley and tributary streams provides a rich riparian habitat and
recreational resource accessible to large populations.
White’s Mill pond is a rich wetland in the center of the Ridge Valley watershed
The Wissahickon Creek Conservation Landscape is very accessible along
the Green Ribbon Trail.