Rethinking Institutional Properties
Embracing Our Past and Investing in Our Future
Old ideas can sometimes use
new buildings. New ideas must
use old buildings.
– Jane Jacobs
Ambler Boiler House, Ambler
Interior Ambler Boiler House, Ambler
Adaptive reuse is the creative and
dynamic process of repurposing buildings
while maintaining many of their original
architectural features. Transforming a
building through adaptive reuse secures
its physical structure, extends its
usefulness, and preserves its heritage for
the public benefit.
Many examples of successful adaptive
reuse can be found throughout the
county, and a number of these have been
recognized through the Montgomery
County Planning Commission’s
Montgomery Awards program.
These include former residences and
farmhouses converted to retail and
office space (Upper Dublin School
Administration Building and Beaumont
House), former factories converted
to residential lofts (Hatboro Lofts and
Turbo Lofts), and an 1890s boiler house
converted to sustainable, transit-oriented
office space (Ambler Boiler House).
In the same way these buildings have
met modern needs and standards, the
underutilized institutions in our county
can support many new functions within
distinctive and irreplaceable structures.
Public Library, Royersford.
Moulton Builders office, Lansdale.